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    15 November 2017, Volume 34 Issue 1
    Value Justice: Principles, Theories and Routes of National Social  Governance—Along with the Ethical Routes of “Core Value#br#  Outlook” in Regulating National Social Governance
    2017, 34(1):  1. 
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    he two paradigms of national social governance—governance according to rules and regulations and value outlook, are currently yet to be “organically unified” in terms of inherent logic. One of the reasons lies in the lack of the support of social justice theories which can unify the two. Adam Smith’s concepts of “restraining evil and encouraging goodness” and “ theory of retribution” elaborate on the basic principles of “punishment justice” in a rulegoverned society. Hegel’s theory of value justice which holds that State ethics is of utmost benevolence, social rule governance should be given priority and individuals should put righteousness before interests expounds the logical structure of the ethical system of State governance according to law. The theoretical base of socialist core value outlook that regulates national social governance should be a theoretical system which puts the principle of value justice in the first place, regulates the behavior of national social governance, arranges the ethical system and inherently contains the prioritized “value rankings”.
    Key words: value justice ; national social governance; core value outlook

    Ruling the Country by Both Law and Morals Should Break #br# Historical Cycle of Alternation
    2017, 34(1):  19. 
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     The rule of both morals and law boasts ageold history in China and once created brilliant civilization. But over two thousand years of feudalistic rule in China did not break the alternation of the rule of morals and law, and severely dampened social progress. Under the new historical conditions, in order to run the country in accordance to both law and morals, China must break the historical cycle of the alternation of the rule of morals and law. Therefore, it is essential to stick to democracy in the first place while ruling the country by law and morals hand in hand. Democracy is the base of the rule of law, which guarantee the latter’s establishment and development. The realization of the rule of morals calls for lofty virtues and firm beliefs of the ruling party on the one hand, and democratic basis and legal guarantee on the other. It is only with the longstanding development of socialist democracy that can break the traditional alternative cycle of the rule of morals and law and create sound political ecology of ruling the country in accordance with both law and morals.

    Theoretical Resources of “Affective Turn
    2017, 34(1):  30. 
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    The “affective turn” which has gained enormous attention in recent years, has turned its focus from emotion of everyday life into the philosophical inquiry, including the causal relations between affects and body, of which the “biomedia” body is but one example. According to Spinoza, affect is defined as the modifications of the body; While body cannot determine mind to think, neither can mind determine body to move and everything will go back to the law of nature. Similarly, Massumi’s definition of affect as the abilities to affect and be affected also focuses on bodily experiences. In AThousand Plateaus,Deleuze and Guattari took the example of Penthesilea,a German tragedy at the early of 19th century,to expound the affective features in Greek culture, regarding affects as a form of becoming, and holding that the success of the playlies in the intensifications of affects in the war machine. Lawrence Grossberg may be right: the “affective turn” could be a materialism, a naturalism, or even a mechanism, but it will eventually manifest a different postmodernism from the European mainstream tradition.

    Love and Politics in the Perspective of Affective Turn
    2017, 34(1):  39. 
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    Through a critical examination of Alain Badiou, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s arguments about love and politics, the paper holds that Badiou’s arguments about romantic love can not lay the foundation for communist politics, but dissolve politics, and Hardt and Negri’s arguments about multitudinous love reveal feeble politics because of its lack of the perspective of the enemy. By reintroducing Carl Schmitt and Chantal Mouffe’s “friend/enemy distinction”, the paper presents the generation of friends and enemies as a Bulterian political performance and love as mutually influencing and infective affects, thus proposing a performative love which adds a friend/enemy dimension so as to truly activate the link between love and politics.

    On Conceptual Transformation, Role and Influence of Chinese Films  in the Perspective of
    2017, 34(1):  54. 
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     Against the background of world film industry constantly gaining new patterns and momentum and increasing competitiveness from the Hollywood movies, how to expand overseas market and influence the new momentum of world films becomes an attentioncatching new agenda for Chinese films. In the perspective of globalization, how to acquire both distinct cultural traits and universal values in terms of thought, content, expression, individuality and style, and how to associate different forms of cultural consumption with film culture turns out to be a common appeal for the Chinese films. During the process of global film development, it is inevitable for Chinese films to constantly reflect on its own, adjust concepts and directions in time, bid farewell to distorted values like selfdeception, speculation and money worship that has abducted the current creation of Chinese films, and turn to a new effective strategy, which is open to new modernistic discourse choices and can promote the overseas film communication.

    Machiavellian Politics and Its Radical Excesses: Game of Thrones and Political
    2017, 34(1):  65. 
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    Having received 204 industry awards and 581 nominations, Game of Thrones indeed is the most acclaimed American TV series of our time. Enshrouded with highcost exquisite production and fantastic construction, the drama entails profundity in political philosophy embodied in three key motifs of modern politics. The first one is the demoralized Machiavellian politics, which reduces political issues into technical ones. It is the dominant mode of modern politics, whose excesses constitute the other two motifs of the show. They are: (a) theocratic politics in secular societies, whose paradox is that it is the extremely secular order that nurtures radical fundamentalism; (b) revolutionary politics that overthrows the “old order”, with the “nextdayafterrevolution” issue being its severest challenge (i.e. how to ensure an authentic emancipation). As a fantasy drama, Game of Thrones is nothing less than a “(hyper)real representation” of today’s political world.

    On the “Complementary Advantages” of Chinese and Korean Films and the StatusQuo and Future of SinoKorean CoProductions 
    2017, 34(1):  77. 
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    Through comparisons of the industrial situations, film genres and production features of Chinese and Korean films, the paper elaborates on the strengths and weaknesses in the Chinese and Korean film industries. Based on this, the paper further analyzes several representative SinoKorean coproductions and addresses such issue as the history, statusquo, existing problems, solutions and prospects of the coproductions since the new century.

    Revisiting Yongming Rhythm and Rhyming: Its Relation with the#br#  Expression of Poetic 
    2017, 34(1):  89. 
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    Rhythm and rhyming is of critical importance in content besides its formal significance. The historical facts of Yongming Poetry indicated that Yongming Rhythm and Rhyming effectively influenced the structural relations at all levels of poetry, projecting the structural antithesis and leaps. The new poetic structure coordinated with the significant reform of the poetic content during the Yongming Period which developed from prosaic lyric styles centered on narration and argumentation to more poetic lyric styles centered on inner feelings. The reform of content is of epochmaking significance for it marked the further maturity of genre of poetry on its own and further distinguished itself from the genre of prose. It is safe to say that Yongming Rhythm and Rhyming was an important support to the content reform of Yongming poetry. Accordingly, the rhyming of the later modernstyle poetry was an important support to the expression of modernstyle poetic content. The function of rhythm and rhyming like this was not only evident in poetry, but also pervasive to different degrees in Cifu (a literary form, often rhymed) and Pianwen (a rhythmical prose).

    The Theory of “Pureness” and Normative Study of Ci #br# in Late Song
    2017, 34(1):  103. 
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     Since the Southern Song Dynasty, Ci had witnessed stricter norms, better aesthetic elegance and changing morals in the field. Until the late Song Dynasty, the study of Ci had experienced a gradual change from revering actual facts and grand allusions to advocating pureness and elegance. Zhang Yan’s theory of “pureness” (qingkong) was the consummation of the transformation and became a shared ideal and theoretical basis to the ci poets of late Song Dynasty. Against a time of dramatic reform in politics and culture, “pureness” was a style of art based on thought and content, and its normative significance was all the more valued for its lofty and profound meaning, smooth and fair lyric style and exquisite layout. The combined collection of ci poems and ci study Collection of Clouds in the Mountain was a typical and significant exemplar of ci creation embodying the dimension of normative study, a practice carried by Zhang Yan and his fellows in late Song Dynasty.

    Disembedding Political Attitude: A Comparative Analysis on the #br# Characteristics of Political Efficacy among China’s New
    2017, 34(1):  118. 
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    As an emerging social group in China’s modernization drive, China’s “new citizens” have exhibited distinct political efficacy, which directly mirrors their relationship with the political system and their political capabilities and indirectly demonstrates the developmental characteristics of mankind at the phase of modernization. By employing a quantitative survey method, the article compares the political efficacy among “new citizens” with that among China’s rural and urban residents from horizontal, structural and hierarchical dimensions. As it turns out, political efficacy among China’s “new citizens” is extremely low in horizontal dimension, imbalanced as “lower at the inner circle, higher at outlier space” and inconsistent as “the nearer, the lower and vice versa”. The article concludes that political efficacy among China’s “new citizens” is a kind of disembedding political attitude in nature, typical among “marginalized groups” in the modern era.

    The Rationale of “Stealing”: The Division and Reconstruction of the #br# Mine Resources in G County of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture #br# of Sichuan
    2017, 34(1):  130. 
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     Stealing is normally assumed to be a violation of the social order. Such behavior is even associated with sin and punishment, thus subject to legislative punishment. However, in anthropological studies, the very human behavior of stealing is considered to have social and cultural meanings. This paper, citing Yi people's stealing of mines in G County of Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province as an example, argues that “stealing” is a social concept and a practice whose meaning is culturally relative and complicated, varying according to different contexts. Anthropological research can help us better understand the emotional demand and cultural representation of this seemingly negative concept.