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  1. 上海外国语大学文学研究院,上海 200083
  • 出版日期:2012-01-15 发布日期:2012-01-15

On the Metaphorical Tradition in Chinese Classical Poetics

  1. Institute of Literature Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083
  • Online:2012-01-15 Published:2012-01-15

摘要: 中国古典诗学是西方诗学传统之外的另一种理论阐释传统,这种传统的形成与古代诗论家认识事物的方式有着密切的联系:古代诗论家看待事物不是一对一的直线关系,而是一对二、对三甚至对无数的复线关系,这就决定了中国古典诗学在建构中不可能采用西方诗学所惯用的那种直言其事、就事论事的逻辑推演手法,而是在更为灵活多变的譬喻性话语体系中寻求发展,形成一种既能把“意”很好地抒发出来,又决不能被“意”所束缚的“睹影知竿”的理论谱系和传意传统。       

关键词:  , 古典诗学;譬喻性;以貌取神;睹影知竿;叙事传统

Abstract: Chinese classical poetics is a theoretical interpretation tradition different from its Western counterpart, the formation of which is in close relation to the cognitive way of ancient Chinese poetic critics: They don't look at things as a unilateral linear relationship, but a multiplelateral, or rather, onetotwo, onetothree, or even onetoinfinite relationship. Therefore, the construction of Chinese classical poetics has little in common with the direct and hardeyed logical deduction technique of western poetics. On the contrary, it seeks development from the flexible metaphorical discourse system, to shape a theory lineage and idea communication tradition which will exactly express the "meaning", but not in bondage to the former.