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文化想像、身份追寻与“差异性” 的文化价值取向 ——论全球化语境下少数民族题材电影的价值与路向  


  1. 北京大学艺术学院,北京 100871
  • 出版日期:2012-01-15 发布日期:2012-01-15

Cultural Imagination, Identity, and Difference: The value and approach of the ethnic minorityrelated films in the context of globalization

  1. School of Arts, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
  • Online:2012-01-15 Published:2012-01-15

摘要:  通过对民族电影、少数民族题材电影以及少数民族电影等概念进行厘清与界定,在全球化语境下,中国少数民族题材电影可划分为三个发展时期,分别有其不同的文化想像、身份追寻、意识形态表征等文化价值取向。此外,还可以从文化多元化特质与电影文化民族异质性的全球化表达策略两个方面,探讨少数民族题材电影文化价值的取向与方略,以期寻求当下少数民族题材电影发展的对策与路向。    

关键词: 关键词: 电影, 少数民族, 意识形态, 全球化, 文化多元化, 文化价值

Abstract: The paper first makes a clarification of national film, ethnic minorityrelated film and ethnic minority film; categorizes the ethnic minorityrelated film into three phases of development in the global context, summarizes their respective characteristics in cultural imagination, identity and ideological representation; and lastly, considers the possible strategies and approaches for the ethnic minorityrelated film development from the perspective of cultural pluralism and global representation of ethnic heterogeneity in the hope of specifying strategies and approach of ethnic minorityrelated film in the global context.