Journal of Shanghai University (Social Science Edition)

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From Encounter to Eclecticism: The Translations and Studies of#br#  Li Yu’s Works in the English World


  • Received:2018-10-11 Online:2019-03-15 Published:2019-03-15

Abstract: A comprehensive literature review of the translations and studies of Li Yu’s works in the English world shows that in different periods,their overall features varied from the initial “encounter” between the East and the West to the pluralism in translations and researches, from hunting for novelty to seeking literary and cultural dialogues in the context of globalization. The evolution reflects the differences in cultural psychology, theoretical context and research perspectives between the Oriental and Occidental cultures. Overseas Sinologists' preference for the subject matter of Li's works for translation and their research findings offer multiple perspectives, which can be referenced by domestic researchers. The paper concludes that the ultimate determinant of the canonization of Li's works is their universality and literary ontological value and domestic scholars and overseas sinologists can learn from each other in the process of mutual reference and eclecticism so as to open new spaces for academic dialogue.

Key words: mutual reference between China and the West, translation, literary ontological value;eclecticism,  Li Yu