Journal of Shanghai University (Social Science Edition)

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Digital Capitalism: “Falsification” of Capital?


  • Online:2018-07-15 Published:2018-07-15


 With the aid of network technology and digital information, digital capitalism has accomplished survival of digital existence as well as continuous accumulation and expansion of capital. On the surface, the production, circulation, distribution and consumption of capital and the acquisition of surplus value no longer depend on labor, but on information and technology. However, digital capitalism has concealed privatized mode of production in the name of “economic revolution”, concealed the true source of surplus value by holding high technology determinism, concealed exploitation through the value law of equivalent exchange, and concealed poverty and inequality in the form of capital accumulation. The fundamental factors defining capitalism have not  changed in digital capitalism. Neither have private ownership and the law of value. Therefore, digital capitalism is still in the domain of “critique of political economy” within Capital, without falsifying or negating it.