Journal of Shanghai University (Social Science Edition)

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The Variation, Continuance and Evolution of Traditional Academics inthe Modern Time——An Overview of the International Symposium on the Traditional Chinese Academic Transformation in the Modern Time


  • Online:2010-01-15 Published:2010-01-15


 In order to promote an indepth study of traditional Chinese academic transformation, Shanghai University' s History Department and Research Center of Ancient Civilization hold an international symposium on the traditional Chinese academic transformation. The participant scholars, centering on a series of topics such as the cause, path and method of academic transformation, the transformation of Confucian classics in the modern time, "debate on the Chinese ancient history" and the modern historiography, the Chinese national culture and the Chinese and Western academics, modern historians'  academics and ideology, and the academics in the Qing dynasty, have a discussion. The holding of this symposium is significant for traditional academics at home and abroad to break the barrier between the ancient and the modern, to promote a direct dialogue of scholars who have different research fields and directions, and to impel an indept study of the Chinese academic history in the modern time.

Key words: Key words: traditional Chinese academics; modern academic transformation; traditional historiography; Chinese and Western academics

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