Journal of Shanghai University (Social Science Edition)

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The Prevailing Trend of the “Justice” and the Establishing of the CityState System in Ancient Greece

GUO Chang;gang WANG;Xin ling   

  1. School of Literal Arts, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
  • Received:2006-01-11 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-03-15 Published:2007-03-15

Abstract: The Greek states, being founded after the Homer period, carried out the “noble system” from the beginning, from which only small number of inherited noblemen were made rulers. Since they themselves had not form a citizen group, those states could not be called “city-states”. But, in the 700 BC, with the fierce conflict between noblemen and citizens, there appeared a strong trend of the “justice” in ancient Greece, which caused a movement of extensive legislation. It is the movement that made safeguarded the basic rights and interests of the lower stratum of the society. And with the forming of citizen groups and the establishing of the citizen system, the states became city-states.

Key words: noble system, citizen society, trend of justice, city-state

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